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Assalamu Alaikum.

Muslims are invited to participate in the following polls. Once you take the poll and see the results of where you fall among the many other Muslims, we invite you to forward these polls to your other fellow Muslims and get their vote counted as well.

23 responses »

  1. Thanks for your dedicated time to produce such polls, could we put the correct results of these polls into practice then we can earn alot of rewards from Allah.

  2. Brother, Dr.Anas was our Vice Rector, he is such a devoted muslim, i greatly oppose my comrades for critisizing him just for a mere smoking. Arabs of the jahiliya practiced all sorts of imoralities, but when they embraced islam and became leaders and sheikhs they changed. Our own Obama was also a great smoker but he changed. How about Dr. anas? I think when given chance, he will also change. Besides, he is also a highly educated brother who can bring changes in our muslim ummah. Wassalam!

  3. Involving the muslim elites in dawah activities will ease dawa work.Islam looks at no boarder,no race,no colour,e.t.c. it honors us by the good deeds we do.Even on good deeds no save for what we see,no one can aculately evaluate another person.Indeed only Allah knows what our hearts keep.
    Attorney at Law & Solicitor

  4. Masha Allah, May Allah enable you to do this job to His satisfaction. Please post articles for the youths and women,for they are the future of this deen, insha Allah

  5. Assalaam alaikum warahmatulwah wabarakhatuh
    Much thanks goes to all Muslim brothers and sisters for the great work they are relly doing ,insha Allah may the almighty Allah reward them Abundantly ,allahumah amin

  6. Thanks all muslim brother’s and sister’s for that interesting messages your sharing with us, may Allah grant you Jannat Fridausi

  7. Salaams,
    Dear admn for this site, may ALLAH bless the work of your hands. This is good work! I am right in your support.

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