
Before I start writing anything about sexual techniques, it is necessary to say that no rules and laws exist either in foreplay or in intercourse. The only laws and rules are the ones reached by the lovers by mutual and often unspoken understanding. Whatever is pleasing and satisfying to both the husband and the wife is right and proper; and whatever is mutually displeasing is wrong. The only I imitation to this general rule would be any shari’ah rule which goes against the wishes of the husband or the wife.

(A) Foreplay:

Man often forgets that woman also has been created with the same desires as himself. Asbagh bin Nubatah quotes Imam ‘Ali that, “Almighty God created sexual desires in ten parts; then He gave nine parts to women and one to men.” But then Allah also gave them “equal parts of shyness.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 40) Many times this shyness makes the man ignore the desires of his wife.

Based on this reality, Islam emphasizes on foreplay. Imam ‘Ali says, “When you intend to have sex with your wife, do not rush because the woman (also) has needs (which should be fulfilled).” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 40) Sex without foreplay has been equated to cruelty. The Prophet said, “Three people are cruel: . ..a person who has sex with his wife before foreplay.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 40) Another hadith equates sex without foreplay to animal behavior: “When anyone of you has sex with his wife, then he should not go to them like birds; instead he should be slow and delaying.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 82) The Prophet said, “No one among you should have sex with his wife like animals; rather there should be a messenger between them.” When asked about the messenger, he said, “It means kissing and talking.” (Tahzibu’l-Ihya, vol. 3, p. 110) Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq has been quoted as follows, “…there should be mutual foreplay between them because it is better for sex.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 82) The Prophet said, “…every play of a believer is void except in three cases: horse-riding, archery and mutual foreplay with his wife these are haqq.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 83)

As for the role of a woman in sexual foreplay, the Imams have praised a wife who discards shyness when she is with her husband. A hadith was quoted earlier from Imam ‘Ali which said that women have been given nine-tenths of the sexual desire but Allah has also given them nine-tenths of shyness. (See p. 32) I had promised in Chapter Two to explain the rationale behind this hadith. There might seem to be a contradiction in this act of God, but it is not so. Both the sexual desire and the shyness have been placed for very specific purpose. The sexual desire is to be unleashed, yes unleashed, when a woman is with her husband, but it must be shielded with shyness when she is with other people. This has been very eloquently explained by Imam Muhammad al-Baqir when he said, “The best woman among you is the one who discards the armor of shyness when she undresses for her husband, and puts on the armor of shyness when she dresses up again.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 14-15) After all, modesty and chastity in public is the hallmark of a Muslim lady.

These sayings clearly show that the husband and the wife should feel completely free when they are engaged in mutual stimulation which is known as foreplay. There is nothing wrong, according to Islam, for a woman to be active and responsive during sex. This is diametrically opposed to the sexual morality of the Christian Western world before the sexual revolution. Russell says, “Western women of a generation or two ago can recall being warned by their mothers that sexual intercourse was an unpleasant duty which they owed to their husbands, and that they were ‘to lie still and think of England’. (As quoted in Sex and Destiny, p. 94) What else but a sexual revolt could such a morality breed?

As for the Islamic shari’ah, all the mujtahids are unanimous in saying that the act of sexual foreplay in itself is mustahab (recommended). Likewise, it is recommended not to rush into sexual intercourse. (Al-‘Urwah, p. 625) The operative word is mutual pleasure and satisfaction.’

Techniques of Foreplay:

As far as the methods of mutual stimulation in foreplay are concerned, the shari’ah allows the husband and the wife to see, kiss, touch, smell and stimulate any part of each other’s body. Therefore, oral sex, as it is known in this part of the world is allowed. Imam Musa al-Kazim was once asked, “Can a person kiss his wife’s vagina?” The Imam said, “No problem.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 77; for similar views of present mujtahids see al-‘Urwah, p. 625) The only restriction is that no foreign object should be used. And this restriction is quite understandable: nothing can really substitute the things Allah has created in our bodies!

The restriction I am placing on the use of foreign objects is based on the following hadith. ‘Ubaydullah bin Zurarah says that he had an old neighbor who owned a young slave-girl. Because of his old age, he could not fully satisfy the young slave-girl during sexual intercourse. She would therefore ask him to place his fingers in her vagina as she liked it. The old man complied with her wishes even though he did not like this idea. So he requested ‘Ubaydullah to ask Imam ‘ Ali ar-Riza (a. s.) about it. When ‘Ubaydullah asked the Imam about it, the Imam said, “There is no problem as long as he uses any part of his own body upon her, but he should not use any thing other than his body on her.” (Wasa’il, vol. 14, p. 77)

In an earlier discussion, we said that masturbation (i.e., self-stimulation of one’s own sexual organ till emission of semen or orgasm) is not allowed. However, in the case of married persons, there is no problem if the wife stimulates her husband’s penis till the emission of semen or the husband stimulates his wife’s vagina till orgasm. (This issue has also been clearly mentioned by the late Ayatullah al-Khu’i in answer to some questions sent by an ‘alim from London) This is allowed because it does not come under “self-stimulation;” it is stimulation by a lawful partner. The Qur’an clearly says that, “The believers are.. . those who protect their sexual organs except from their spouses.” (23: 5-6) And stimulation of sexual organs by a lawful partner surely comes under the definition of protecting one’s organ s “except from their spouses.” ‘

About Uganda Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Uganda Muslim Brothers and Sisters (UMBS) was started as a discussion forum in 2010 by a Ugandan Muslim, Abbey Semuwemba, based in the United Kingdom. The main aim at the time was to encourage all Muslims to come together and discuss anything on their minds. It was started with only about 200 members but gradually, however, membership expanded to more than 6000 people in different countries, and so the need arose for formal operational guidelines. It now has over 50,000 members globally! UMBS is building itself to become the national umbrella organisation dedicated to the common good, to the betterment of the Muslim community and country. It was formed after several years of wide-ranging consultation and careful planning by a group of Muslims that discussed Islamic affairs online regularly. It intends to bring together all representatives of different Muslim organisations in Uganda to meet up on annual basis to discuss the affairs of Muslims in Uganda. The need to coordinate efforts on wider issues of common concern became apparent in the course of the feud that developed between Muslim leaders after the sale of Muslim properties in Uganda. This created a climate of distrust and non-cooperation between many diverse groups in the country.

2 responses »

  1. Educative teaching keep it up. Some people who have not had Islamic teaching think the religion is so rigid and not open to certain situations mainly family affairs .

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